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CISQ's 10th Annual Cyber Resilience Summit

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05 Weeks
05 Days
05 Hours
58 Minutes
35 Seconds

CISQ Cyber Resilience Summit History

The Cyber Resilience Summit (CSR) hosted by the Consortium for Information & Software Quality (CISQ, a non-profit consortium chartered to develop international standards for automating software measurement) was first held the week of March 18 at the Object Management Group Quarterly Technical Meeting in Reston, VA. The focus was on 'Using Automated Function Points in Software Productivity Analysis and Benchmarking' to help deploy CISQ/OMG's new sizing standard, Automated Function Points (now ISO 19515). Approximately 30 IT professionals attended the half-day event. This launched an annual CSR event, and in 2013 an additional CST was held in Berlin at the June OMG Quarterly Technical Meeting. In addition to the regular annual seminar, Dr. Bill Curtis and Herb Krasner presented a half day event focused on software quality to 30+ attendees at the OMG Quarterly Technical Meeting in Austin on March 20, 2013. In 2015 the IT Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC) joined CISQ to co-sponsor the summit and attract senior government and industry officials in the DC area. The attendance at the 2015 conference jumped to approximately 100. In October 2015, a second CSR was held at the Army Navy Club in Arlington, VA, and this has become the new annual time and location for the CSR. The CSR has grown to almost 300 attendees by the end of the decade and continues to sell out each year. During the pandemic the summit was held online and achieved global attendance. CSRs have also been held in Brussels, Amsterdam, and Bangalore to spread the deployment of CISQ/OMG standards, especially Automated Source Code Quality Measures (now ISO 5055). On October 20, 2022, CSR will return to the Army Navy Club with a program of senior government and industry speakers and panelists focusing on cybersecurity, modernization, and flow measures for continuous delivery environments. Keynote speakers and panelists are public and private IT executives, as well as senior technical experts.
The goal of this event is to provide attendees with:
  • The latest developments in cybersecurity process and technology
  • Lessons learned from modernization projects
  • Recent advances in CISQ/OMG and ISO software measurement standards
  • How to void pitfalls in software measurement programs
  • Best practices in software quality assurance
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